What You Need to Know Before an FHA Loan Termite Inspection

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If you’re thinking about purchasing a home in Florida with an FHA loan, you’ll likely encounter the term “termite inspection” during the process. While it may seem like a minor detail, an FHA loan termite inspection is a crucial step that can make or break your home-buying experience.

What You Need to Know Before an FHA Loan Termite Inspection

Here at Florida Termite Inspections, LLC, we specialize in ensuring that your future home is free from wood-destroying pests. Here’s what you should know before getting an FHA loan termite inspection:

  • They are required. Failing to get an FHA loan termite inspection can result in delays or even the cancellation of your application.
  • There are different types of termites. Different types of termites require different treatment methods, and knowing what you’re up against can help you make informed decisions. Florida is home to both subterranean and drywood termites, and inspectors will look for signs of both during the inspection.
  • The inspector will look for signs of other wood-destroying insects. An FHA loan termite inspection will include an examination for other wood-destroying insects like carpenter ants and wood-boring beetles. The inspection report, known as the Wood-Destroying Insect/Organism (WDI/WDO) report, will include details of any findings.
  • Timing matters. The timing of your FHA loan termite inspection can impact your loan approval process and your move-in date. We advise you to schedule the termite inspection soon after your offer is accepted. This allows time for any necessary treatments before the closing date.
  • Treatment and repairs are negotiable. If the inspection reveals termite activity, you may need to negotiate with the seller regarding treatment and repairs. The cost and responsibility for termite treatment or damage repair can often be negotiated as part of the home purchase agreement.

An FHA loan termite inspection is a mandatory step if you plan to buy a home with an FHA loan. Call us to learn more or schedule an inspection today.