Three Reasons Why You Should Always Consider a WDO Inspection Before Buying a Home

HomeBlogThree Reasons Why You Should Always Consider a WDO Inspection Before Buying a Home

When you prepare to buy a home, there are several types of home inspections you’ll want to schedule to ensure the home is in its best condition and worth the purchase. One inspection that can be easily overlooked but very important is a wood destroying organism or WDO inspection. This type of inspection checks for signs of termites and other wood destroying organisms that might have affected the home at any point.

Three Reasons Why You Should Always Consider a WDO Inspection Before Buying a Home

Here are three reasons why you should always schedule this inspection before buying a home:

  1. Check for past termite presence: Even if there are currently no termites present in the home, we can identify signs that indicate a past termite presence and damage in the home with our WDO Inspection. Even a past presence of termites could be detrimental because they could have left damage to any wooden parts of the home, including the foundation, which were left untreated, and their past presence could attract more termites to your home in the future.
  1. A greater peace of mind: Even if our WDO inspection results in no found presence of termites, it can still give both you and your bank a greater peace of mind knowing that the property is safe and worth the investment rather than taking a risk on potential termite damage and infestations.
  1. Potential buying power: In addition to our WDO inspection, we can also provide recommendations and referrals to local pest control providers that can remove the termites for you. There are ways to treat the termite problem, should you choose to continue with the purchase of the property. You could use the findings from our inspection to try to negotiate a better price on the house.

Give us a call if you would like to learn more or schedule our services.